About Us


Proven Real Estate Investment Solutions to Maximize Your Profits

AREIGCORP is a private syndicate firm specializing in residential and commercial investments.  We’re focused on helping clients enter the real estate market and maximize the return of their  investments. Since our founding in 2015, we’ve remained committed to the success of each of  our clients. We understand that every client and their needs are different, which is why we  work one-on-one with each client to provide truly individualized solutions that are effective and  meaningful.

Invest With an Industry-Leading Professional 


Our Story

Real estate has remained a passion of ours for as long as we can remember. When looking for a  reliable and secure way to grow, manage, and protect our wealth, real estate seemed like the obvious choice. It’s the asset that’s created the most millionaires when compared to other traditional options. As we learned more and more about the industry, we realized just how much misinformation and uncertainty there is among interested investors.


There’s so much “expert” advice out there that you can get lost in the shuffle and overwhelmed, we felt that our clients needed a company that had their backs and could guide them to make smart investment decisions. After finding our own success, we decided to start  AREIGCORP to help others get into the market. Since 2015, we’ve accumulated an impressive portfolio of properties and have made a number of lucrative deals. Throughout it all, we’ve remained focused on providing unrivaled value to our clients.


What We’ve Accomplished

AREIGCORP is an industry-leading provider of real estate investment solutions. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are some numbers speaking to the success we’ve had:  

  • We generate an average of $2.8 million each and every year.  
  • We own and manage a total of 38 properties. 
  • Our team has 21 years of combined experience.  
  • We have acquired and manage a total of $27 million worth of real estate assets.
  • Our team is composed of 10 highly experienced and knowledgeable real estate professionals.

Our Strategy

All of our real estate services are informed by a core value-added strategy. Here’s how it works:



As an experienced and successful real estate investment syndicate, investment is at the heart of what we do. All of our services are aimed at helping clients maximize the return on their investments. We’re actively looking for income-generating properties in attractive and profitable locations. Our ultimate goal is to find investment opportunities that offer capital appreciation in the short, medium, and long term. We target properties that have long histories of demand or a promising future within a thriving area.



Even the most impressive and high-end properties can be improved to optimize their potential returns. The AREIGCORP team employs innovative and value-augmenting strategies specifically designed to pinpoint properties lagging features to bring the investment to its optimal state. In some instances, we seek to add value by adapting buildings to new uses by converting the property to fulfill a more lucrative and in-demand function. Our team has its finger on the pulse of the real estate industry in order to stay ahead of the most recent trends to capitalize on exciting prospects.



The properties in which we invest might be static, but the management of these investments is just the opposite. Our team manages complex operations to ensure these properties are leveraged to their maximum potential to bring our clients the greatest returns possible. Areigcorp’s vertically integrated structure features in-house investments, property management, acquisitions, reporting and accounting, investor relations, and much more. Our dynamic team is composed of a variety of seasoned experts from a diverse array of professional backgrounds including entrepreneurs, real estate investors, and more. We’re highly experienced in investment, risk management, and investor relations.